Los Tres Bucaneros (Pirata Morgan/Jerry Estrada/Hombre Bala) vs. La Fiera/Lizmark/Kung Fu, EMLL (1/23/1987)

The Bucaneros are all dressed in the same tights and have the Pirata style eye patch on. It’s next to impossible to tell any of them apart, and commentary is not much help, so you’ll excuse me for being a little vague when I speak about their side of this match. This match is an absolute blast though, and I cannot recommend many more fun ways to fill twenty to thirty minutes than this match. It starts real hot, as Kung Fu goes on a tear, on some real “HOLY CROUCHING TIGER HIDDEN DRAGON” type nonsense. 

The first fall continues on mostly like that. Los Bucaneros ride the line perfectly between comedy stooging and huge creative bumping. Lizmark powerslams one of them for the three count, which feels real off given all of the other creative and cool work in the first fall, but it’s a fine enough finish for the 1980s. The second fall is largely the same, until the Bucaneros can get on the same page. They make Lizmark eat just a little shit, and then hit three flipping sentons off the ropes onto him in succession before a group pin puts it at 1-1. They control most of the final fall in a really interesting way, as they can never actually isolate any of the three. Instead, they always just gang up on whichever one rotates in. It’s not as violent as that blowaway great six man that I watched from October 1983, but it has a similar sort of feeling to it. This is a chaotic situation and the bad guys finally gain some control by just being a gang. They’re not half as hard as that first Los Infernales team was, not even close, so it’s always some real cheap shot stuff. Nothing admirable or cool about it, but it finally works for them. They lose the lead because they can’t keep these guys contained. Lizmark gets revenge for the second fall when he traps [one of them??? I don’t think Pirata, as he has buccaneer style fringe boots on and the others do not, including the man being pinned] with a really tight Hurricanrana. 

Nothing complex about this, but twenty minutes or so of pure sugar. It doesn’t always have to be so complicated, things can just be fun as hell sometimes. Turn this one and sit back, I can’t imagine anyone not enjoying this.


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