Eddie Kingston vs. The Rotation, WXW 16 Carat Gold 2020 Night Two (3/7/2020)

This was a quarterfinals match in the 2020 16 Carat Gold tournament.

Eddie Kingston is one of the greatest wrestlerrs of all time. The Rotation is not. The Rotation is nothing, but he is a nothing wrestler against Eddie Kingston, and that makes all the difference. The crowd really likes this fourteen year old for some reason, and he is so out of his depth that he sells his own hand after throwing chop because he has presumably never hit another person before. He is a decent enough athlete and is at least moderately trained, so Eddie Kingston can have a great match with him. He’s mean as hell, but he takes some great bumps for the kid and makes him look like he might actually be something before it’s over. Rotation only succeeds through the air, so he keeps going to the top rope. It works very well until a veteran like Eddie, used to guys like this, sees the play coming again. He hurls him off the top with tremendous abandon with a Uranage before winning with the Backfist to the Future.

One could interpret this as a tremendous performance as he abuses the local and makes him look like he might have a shot before violently shutting it down. One could also interpret this as Eddie Kingston thrown off by the crowd and battling his own natural instinct to professionally self immolate before overcoming and shutting down this annoying little twerp trying to take advantage of him. The latter is the correct option. Rotation is very likely the worst wrestler to be in a great match in 2020, as he’s still so young, but there is nothing Eddie Kingston can’t do.


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