Sara Del Rey vs. Kana, CHIKARA Clunk In Love (10/8/2011)

It’s their second of two matches in the span of a week, following Kana’s victory seven days prior on SHIMMER Volume 42. It’s no sequel. Given the SHIMMER release schedule, it would never work as one. This is just a slightly better version of that match. The bottom rope is missing after breaking earlier in the night, and that adds a certain grit to the proceedings, at least as much is possible with Gavin Loudtalker on the call, and they do a little more.

What works still really works. They’re aggressive as hell, everything flows very smoothly, and it’s all as realistic as possible. It never fails to come off like a real contest. What didn’t work last time still doesn’t work. There’s a lot of holds that don’t really have any purpose, even when they talk about Del Rey’s bad knee from the night before. It’s filler. It’s good filler, but it’s filler. Nothing is focused on enough so that it should be sold more than fleetingly, which they do well enough, but it is what it is. It will likely bother some of you much less than it bothered me, which is to say it won’t bother you at all. Good for you, watch the match I guess.

Ultimately, the big difference is a slightly bigger finish. The point of the SHIMMER match was to establish Kana as a killer on Del Rey’s level. Here, Kana is a guest brought in to enhance Del Rey in the aftermath of coming up short in the 12 Large Summit. An equally effective job is done here of getting the point across. Kana is kept strong enough to survive the Royal Butterfly Suplex and many gross shots before that, but SDR digs deep and uses a leaping Piledriver for the win. They go 1-1 across Kana’s trip.

If you have to watch one of their matches, this is the better one and it’s on Youtube. Make it this one.




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