Takashi Sugiura vs. KENTA, NOAH Global League 2011 Day Seven (11/13/2011)

This was part of the 2011 Global League tournament.

Following a bloated-yet-great epic a month and change before, Sugiura and KENTA turn around and have one of the best two minute matches of all time. This is the more ignored but philosophically superior cousin of the famous KENTA vs. Ricky Marvin match two years earlier, as there’s more of a message to it and far less flash.

KENTA comes in with a newly earned confidence and tries to skip right to slapping and kicking Sugiura as hard as possible. It works until — suddenly and violently — it doesn’t. As good as it feels for KENTA to finally be able to handle the Big Boss, he makes the mistake of thinking it’s a lot easier than it was, and Sugiura catches him with one knee when he tries a takedown. That’s it. That’s the match, because Sugiura follows that up with a front choke

and it’s over in two minutes

A perfect match, telling a complete and wonderful story (Sugiura desperately wants his win back) in as little time as possible.

This is a great match, and conceptually, it might be the match of the decade.

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