Jun Akiyama vs. Keiji Mutoh, AJPW Pro Wrestling Love in Ryogoku Vol. 14 (3/20/2012)

This was for Akiyama’s Triple Crown title.

This was a bad match.

Jun Akiyama worked a near miracle in February, but Keiji Mutoh is beyond miracles. Just a dogshit performance. Mutoh did all he can do, which is Dragon Screws, low dropkicks, and Shining Wizards. Akiyama hit a lot of knees and decided to pretty much ignore the knee stuff. I’d complain, but actually you’re not gonna have a great match with Mutoh at this point, so at least this total disrespect for everything he’s trying to do did something for me. That’s about all in this match that did anything for me. They repeated the same sequence seemingly several hundred times. Only so many times Jun can hit a knee and have it caught into a Dragon Screw, or for them to trade Exploders and Shining Wizards. Both shitty and lazy, classic Mutoh two for the price of one. Akiyama eventually wins with the Sternness Dust, so much more than Mutoh deserves when at this point it looks like he could be beaten by a slight wind. Fuck.

The nicest thing I can say about this is that it wasn’t quite as bad as Taiyo Kea’s challenge in November.

Nobody watch this.

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