Leaders of the New School vs. Jonathan Gresham/Mark Haskins, ASW UK (2/20/2013)

This is as good a spot as any to discuss the way in which I’ll be dealing with BritWres stuff, as 2013 and 2014 is when it really starts to become actually decent.

I am not going to go out of my way to cover the matches of people who I find personally disgusting for having done really vile things, unless I feel that they absolutely need to be covered. I intend on covering the highlights of Scurll’s PROGRESS title reign, and perhaps a few other things in RevPro that are interesting. I don’t see a way out of discussing things like Starr/WALTER (or in the US, Starr/Janela stuff). Apply this to whoever else may or may not be currently canceled and whoever else may or may not be canceled in the future for doing some abhorrent stuff. Basically, unless it’s something that’s either likely to end up on a MOTY list or influence some kind of a WOTY case, I’m not especially interested in covering it, because it’s very weird.

Pederast in this match aside, it’s a hell of a curiosity that I couldn’t not watch and discuss.

This is the best version of the LDRS I’ve ever seen, outside of the one-match heel BritWres TWO MAN POWER TRIP variation we got in PWG in 2017. Playing to a more casual crowd as ASW does, they cut out a lot of the bullshit and work as a pure babyface team. It’s pure formula, but everyone has a blast and the crowd is so reactive that they don’t have to do so much more than that. Haskins is a remarkable stooge and Gresham is obviously wonderful working in control. He’s mean, everything he does looks good, and he’s not so bad on the other end himself. The other guy has a decent hot tag, and while I’m not out to praise him, I’m more inclined to like him in this role as a purely mechanical white-meat babyface than I am in any other. Gresham tries to go to the air to counteract the lie that he’s not as good in other areas despite clearly being the best guy in the match, and eventually eats shit. LDRS beat him with the bad Michinoku Driver/Low Dropkick combo.

Bad finish as always, but otherwise, so much fun. A HOOT OF THE YEAR/CATCHALL (CHRONOLOGICAL) contender.


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