Fire Ant vs. Francis O’Rourke, Wrestling is Respect 4 (9/29/2013)

All-time dream match, provided you have exactly the same sort of deeply damaged brain as I do and have the right opinion that Fire Ant is The Greatest Babyface Of All Time based on a match from thirteen years ago.

Not all it could be, of course.

It’s fucking WRESTLING IS.

And yet, it’s Biff vs. Fire Ant. I don’t know, it’s hard to get too annoyed. I grew up with IWA Mid South shows where stars would show up and two-thirds ass it and seeing a dogshit AJ/Daniels hour broadway on a 2005 PWG show that they clearly didn’t actually want to do. Guys not doing their absolute best on smaller shows doesn’t really bother me, so long as there’s still something to enjoy, and these guys gave a lot of stuff in this to still enjoy. Biff beats the hell out of Our Hero, and Fire Ant’s still the best. Wonderful comebacks, great strikes, stellar looking offense in general, etc.

It’s not as big as it could be, but with seventeen people in the crowd, I don’t know that they could have summoned the atmosphere to make the most out of that anyways.

Biff wins with his Tazmission aka THE FRANK CRANK because this is basically CHIKARA and everyone in CHIKARA who first made a name outside of CHIKARA has to have some bullshit CHIKARA thing added onto them.

Again though, Biff Busick vs. Fire Ant! I simply cannot summon the energy or vitriol to stay mad about anything that happened, because finding out this happened at all feels like a gift from God.


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