Cody Rhodes/Goldust vs. The Shield vs. The Usos, WWE Hell in a Cell (10/27/2013)

This was for the Rhodes Brothers’ WWE Tag Team Titles.

It’s removed now from any major stories, as the big emotional climaxes have both already happened. Instead, it’s now slotted in as a pure popcorn match to open up a WWE pay per view. Just as importantly, it gets the One Great Match designation on a weaker card, getting to do a lot of bigger stuff and having to succeed.

It does!

There’s too much talent in this for it to fail, and by “too much talent”, I mostly mean Goldust.

The other five are good here and manage to land all their stuff perfectly and exceed in their roles (hot tag, control work, dive/finishing run spot guys) respectively, but it’s the Goldust show once again. It’s his fifth time against The Shield in three weeks, and it’s all new stuff. Not new new, but he’s right up there with Bryan at finding all these different little ways to change things up so it feels fresh or maybe more importantly, so it doesn’t feel so obviously like the thrown together retread-as-spotfest that it is. He’s the best ace in peril once again, he’s amazing early on putting on an uppercut clinic, and what the finishing run asks of him is great too. Very obviously the guy here directing traffic and holding it all together while the other five go wild once the switch flips.

They could probably do more here than they do, but it’s enough. Superplex onto a pile on the floor spot, dives, finishers and pinfall saves, all of that. It’s chaos, and the Rhodes brothers just happen to both be in the ring at once in time to hit their stuff in a row, and the Cross Rhodes pins Rollins again.

Total junk food compared to the filling meals that were the two major Shield/Rhodes Brothers tag matches in the last month, but there’s nothing wrong with a little junk food. Put some Fritos Honey BBQ Twists in your cart along with the leafy greens and deli meat.


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