Jimmy Jacobs vs. Reed Bentley, IWA-MS Big Ass Christmas Bash 2013 (12/6/2013)

This was a First Blood match.

Honestly, I turned this show on on IWTV for a pair of other matches, but while I’m here, you bet I’m gonna watch just about anything Jimmy Jacobs does. This isn’t the place to go into it, but yeah, one of my all time favorites ever. Grand Rapids, baby.

The match itself was fine. A good mid-feud style brawl. Jimmy’s so creative in little ways, so this match is entirely made up of near misses with all these different weapons that could conceivably break open someone’s forehead. Lots of great punches and mean body shots to then try and open someone up for the killing blow that never comes.

Of course, the reason I’m writing about this and not just going “hey, a good match” and moving on is an all time great bullshit finish. Reed’s pal Trik Davis runs out in a Habs shirt to distract the referee, and that old rogue Adam Gooch comes out AND POURS A BOTTLE OF KETCHUP ON JIMMY JACOBS’ FACE. THE REFEREE SEES IT AND CALLS FOR THE BELL?!

God damnit, it’s perfect.

If you’re going to do some bullshit, do some bullshit. 

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