El Satanico vs. Octagon, EMLL Super Viernes (4/12/1991)

This isn’t exactly a classical great match, but it’s unique and a real blast.

On paper, this is Satanico just whipping Octagon’s ass for close to twenty minutes but getting carried away at the end and getting caught out of nowhere. There’s a lot of potential for it to go wrong or to get boring, but Satanico is the best possible guy to put in this role. It’s all simple, but it’s so incredibly mean. He’s able to waver in between unbelievably cruel and almost charming at the drop of a hat. It’s deeply mean spirited, but tying Octagon’s mask to the top rope by the sashes attaches to it is just so cool and fun. Every little elbow or punch to the face once he tears Octagon’s crummy little mask open and breaks the skin a little bit also feels just that much more more violent when performed by such a spirited maniac.

Octagon wins with a flash flurry at the end, but whatever.

Not one to seek out, but yet another testament to the greatness of El Satanico, because this probably falls apart without him and instead it’s this gripping little display of physical and mental violence.

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