The Briscoes vs. Outlaw Inc. (Eddie Kingston & Homicide), ROH Raising The Bar Night Two (3/2/2014)

A god damned HOOT, as Homicide runs back into the Briscoes nearly a decade after those first incidents.

It’s a normal match which quickly gets entirely out of hand and is restarted as a nebulous sort of no disqualification affair. It’s in the first half of the card and ROH shows are still laid out in a relatively old-school way, even post-Cornette. What that means is that you can get the tone of a real fight and they can fight outside, but all they’re really given to communicate this with besides their physical forms are chairs to throw at each other and do a precious few things onto. Of course, this is outside of a wonderful little moment where the fans began chanting for tables, so Homicide and Mark Briscoe immediately moved things out to the apron so Homicide could take a bump off the apron and onto the table at ringside. Just a quick little thing to give the people what they want that only serves to win them over even more and keep them hot for the rest of the match. Outside of that, they’re limited in what they can really do.

Not that it matters.

Fortunately, these four are real high on a list of guys who can be trusted with a structureless sort of chair throwing and hitting but ultimately bloodless fight. They’re all insane. Each chair is thrown with a real reckless sort of motion and virtually never blocked in a way that makes it seem phony. It doesn’t always go right, but this is the sort of match where the accidents only make the match better. Then of course, all four of these guys are psychotic and did some real gross stuff in the end, particularly Kingston coming down a little far out for a Spinebuster on a chair and his head collapsing the seat instead. Following that, Homicide got hit with the Jay Driller and it was over.

The whole Outlaw Inc. run is a real weird thing, as nobody seemed to have any idea exactly what to do with these guys since they weren’t brought in to ever win the titles. They floated around a lot and it was sometimes fun and mostly a real weird clash of styles. This was the one time it seemed like everyone got on the same page about what they could be, and accordingly, it’s the best thing they did in ROH by a thousand miles.

An incredibly fun little brawl.


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