Jay Lethal vs. Jushin Liger, ROH Supercard of Honor IX (3/27/2015)

This was for Lethal’s ROH World Television Title.

A stellar stellar performance by Jushin Liger.

It’s wonderful, and one of the best of Liger’s US/European indie matches or overseas excursions in his last decade.

The key here is that at no point does this ever feel like a veteran match.

Liger simply owns Jay Lethal for most of this match. There’s no taunting of Liger or any overt story stuff, just one of the greatest wrestlers of all time turning back the clock. Lethal controls him eventually, but in a way that doesn’t feel half as held back as what guys like Adam Cole did in Liger’s appearance the year before or even what Austin Aries did against Liger when he made an ROH date in 2010. Jay Lethal is a bad human being, but it’s not nothing that he got a better Liger match than anyone in ROH has since the Weekend of Thunder ten and a half years prior.


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