Tommaso Ciampa vs. Matt Sydal vs. Cedric Alexander vs. Caprice Coleman vs. Andrew Everett vs. Moose, ROH Supercard of Honor IX (3/27/2015)

An awesome fireworks show.

These can be real middling a lot of the time because ROH will shove in their dull project guys or people who can’t hang. This isn’t EXACTLY an exception because Caprice Coleman is not as good as the others in this match and Moose is exactly a project guy, but there’s too much talent otherwise. The multiple bump freaks in this match help Moose a ton and Caprice is mostly there to illustrate the toll that Cedric Alexander’s losing streak is taking on him by alienating his former mentor and partner. It’s pretty short too, allowing for zero dead air.

Nothing worth hunting down and nothing that exactly deserves superlatives, but a stellar little undercard match primarily carried off by two of the best in the world.

Another of these great little undercard nuggets from ROH.

three boy

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