Chuck Taylor vs. Kikutaro, PWG All Star Weekend 11 Night Two (12/12/2015)

I’ve never found writing about wrestling all that hard.

Of course, certain people are better at it than I am and some pieces are easier to write than others. Some matches aren’t as interesting, and then there are matches that are more than matches or that I personally have a stronger attachment or relationship to. Sometimes, I need to have a beer and/or watch a movie or a TV show or just Youtube clips from the early 2010s of sports talking heads yelling at each other about Tim Tebow being a bigger draw than Kobe, or something equally stupid. Nothing forces words out of the brain like zoning out, but once the process begins, it’s all essentially the same thing. Once I start, it’s much easier to go on a roll and knock out a few in one sitting. Get into the groove of things, and all that, because there is a process.

Usually, I like to write about why things happened in a match as a way of explaining what happened and why I liked it, or what I found especially interesting about that story and/or the ways that they approached telling it and executing it. That’s the sort of stuff that always interests me, being able to track Point A to Points B, C, D, and on down the line. Nobody wants to read a move for move recap, but I want to let you know generally what happened, why it happened, how I felt about it, and why I felt that way about it. There are flourishes and additions and occasionally those pieces where brevity is either a.) better, or (more frequently) b.) funnier, but things generally boil down to some combination of those elements and ideally all four.

I will be doing none of that with this match.

Watch it for yourselves.

It is without flaw.

This is a perfect comedy match, and one of the most delightful matches in the history of Pro Wrestling Guerrilla and all of U.S. independent wrestling. I have seen it at least five times at this point, and it is always funny to some extent. Kikutaro is the greatest comedy wrestler of all time and Big Dust is a perfect partner for him. Bits are the same as any other story in wrestling, build them and pay them off, and this has some truly exceptional bits. Every single piece of it works, is incredibly funny, and unbelievably charming at all times.

One of my favorite matches of all time, in addition to being the hoot of the year.


1 thought on “Chuck Taylor vs. Kikutaro, PWG All Star Weekend 11 Night Two (12/12/2015)

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