Homicide/Low Ki vs. Da Hit Squad, Beyond Fete Finale (12/27/2015)

An absolute pleasure.

I’m not sure how well this fares with people who didn’t grow up with these guys. I don’t know if people who didn’t grow up with Homicide and Low Ki and DHS will feel about a match like this. I imagine they’ll like it a lot because it’s still an especially well plotted out and aggressively executed piece of wrestling, but I don’t know that it can feel as overwhelmingly GOOD as it feels here. That’s sort of the thing with nostalgia though, even if a match doesn’t entirely rely up on it. It’s part of everything with the people you grew up watching or that you watched at a really important time in your life, inextricably linked with everything they do in the future.

Homicide and Low Ki are always going to be two of those guys, and so I can never really tell you how something like this or their WXW World Tag Team League run in 2017 feels, because those are shoes I cannot put myself into.

These ones are glued to my feet.

They are my feet now.

Ultimately, I don’t suppose I really care about that other experience, because I loved this.

Maff and Monsta Mack aren’t the stars that Homicide and Low Ki are, but they’re bigger and a better team, and it always evens things out. Ki is kind with his old friends in the way he’s rarely kind with anyone anymore, and creates a mystique around them from the start. He can’t knock them down or move them early on, so when he’s able to later, it feels like a big deal. It’s also different from the usual Ki/Homicide reunion in a fun way, with Homicide now as the major hot tag guy instead. So often the opposite is the case because of Low Ki’s explosiveness and physical condition in comparison to the older guy, but it’s a really fun change of pace that completely works.

They’re building up to something really awesome for a finishing run, but then Pinkie Sanchez comes out to stop that for a no contest, before all four of them kick his ass.

It sucks and I hate this didn’t have a finish, but it’s a nostalgia trip match about kicking ass in fun old ways, and so it’s not the end of the world. I didn’t watch this to see a story wrap up or to see who would win or how they would win. The match itself wasn’t ruined so much as that it saw a ceiling suddenly thrust down upon it for a stupid and abrupt finish.

It still absolutely rocks and if you have any shared experiences watching these guys in the early 2000s, you should absolutely give this one a whirl.

The feel good hit of the winter.


1 thought on “Homicide/Low Ki vs. Da Hit Squad, Beyond Fete Finale (12/27/2015)

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