Kazusada Higuchi vs. Mike Bailey, DDT D-Oh Grand Prix 2018 in Shimizu (1/13/2018)

This was a B Block match in the 2018 D-Oh Grand Prix tournament.

Once again, this whips just a whole ton of ass.

You maybe ought to just go read that, because it mostly all holds just as true here. Two of the world’s more purely reliable wrestlers meet in a nearly perfect match up (Higuchi is not quite enough of a bully to be a perfect Speedball opponent as a bigger guy, but he’s so good at so much else that it doesn’t matter all that much) yet again, and toss some great stuff out at each other. It is not all that complex, save for a shadow puppet on the wall of some big vs. small stuff. Mostly, as with that 2017 DNA match, this is simply an offensive showcase between two guys with some of the absolute best offense in all of wrestling.

They get it a little more correct here than they did in their DNA match, likely due to the fact that this is a DDT match, but also due to the fact that it is a few minutes shorter as well. Not only do they aim a little higher, but with less time, they cut whatever fat was there eight months ago too, and have, if not the absolute best version of this (K-Hall title match, the best version of most singles matches), certainly the best one we ever got to see, a real mother fucker of an artillery show between two outstanding marksmen.

To take a page from this match and other great matches like it, that’s all you get, because that’s all you need.


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