WALTER/Mike Bailey vs. John Klinger/Bobby Gunns, WXW 16 Carat Gold 2018 Day One (3/9/2018)

Going into Day Two’s two big title matches (Klinger/WALTER, Gunns/Bailey), it’s a nice little classical build up tag.

Classical only in the sense that, yeah, throwing a two on two tag team combination out there there night before the four involved have two different one on one matches together, because otherwise, this is a God damned sprint and a half.

In terms of, like, analysis, there is not all that much to it.

Four guys throw out some sick offense for a while, and eventually, Mike Bailey beats Gunns with the Green Tea Plunge. It is not a build up tag that expressly tries to establish anything going into these matches, but instead, offers up samples to whet the appetite, and it feel impossible to say they don’t succeed in that task.

It just rocks, I guess.

Wrestling’s weird sometimes. There is no formula. There is no right thing. It is an art and at the same time it is a science, and then also at the same time, it can just be the presentation of the raw materials themselves. Sometimes it is as simple as letting four great wrestlers riff around for fifteen minutes.


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