Yuko Miyamoto vs. Mike Bailey, DDT April Fool 2018 (4/1/2018)

(photo credit to @puroresueikaiwa on Twitter.)

This was a Ladder Match for Miyamoto’s DDT Extreme Title. 

In this match, they did a lot of cool stuff and, more importantly, never did anything that wasn’t entertaining on one level or another.

Sometimes that was a comedy bit based around neither man wanting to use a ladder and instead each trying to make a gigantic chair structure that they inevitably ate A TON of shit on, either through their own lack of balance or the construction giving the opponent enough time to recover and knock them off. Sometimes it was Mike Bailey taking basic K-Hall chair whip spots unbelievably hard and going careening into the bleachers with enough force to cut his forearm open. Other times, it is simply these two bumping obscenely hard on simple ladder stuff, bumping even crazier on the truly inventive bits, and generally going after this thing as hard as possible given the subject matter and limitations of a DDT semi main event hardcore thing. 

It is all cool as hell, and proof that at the end of the day, the thing that really separates great matches like these from everything else is simply commitment.

Miyamoto eventually knocked Mike off the top onto a ladder bridge in a real real real gross landing, first on his back sideways on the bridge, then bouncing off of it onto the mat below, and gets the title down.

Not an especially novel finish, but it completely fits a match like this. Relatively simple, but done with total commitment and visibly disgusting enough to leave an impression.

A delightfully uncomplex thing.


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