Soberano Jr. vs. Templario, CMLL Super Viernes (10/4/2019)

Two days before a scheduled title match, the boys have themselves a rarer single-fall non-title match as something of a preview.

It was nice.

Count out one rougher sequence revolving around superkicks and some stuff closer to U.S. indie bullshit than the sort of stuff that feels more homespun and organic, and the match is otherwise filled with a bunch of real sensational fireworks. It’s not complex, it’s not perfect, but it is incredibly incredibly fun. The sort of match that very could easily have also made for a lightning match given how tight it (mostly) is, their commitment to constantly doing the biggest stuff they can think up, and how exciting, fantastical, and consistently watchable it all is.

Sometimes all you have to do is a lot of cool stuff.

(And also do nothing — or very little — to screw it up and get in your own way.)

Not complex, and a great way to fill thirteen minutes.


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