Drew Gulak vs. Dasher Hatfield, CHIKARA When Nature Calls (7/23/2016)

Great match.

I’m not going to sell anyone on a more minor 2016 CHIKARA match (this is a main event, but it’s not like flashy or anything), but this was a lot of fun, if you’re predisposed to learn about a 20:00+ Drew Gulak vs. Dasher Hatfield match and have your interest piqued.

While let down significantly by all the trappings (low crowd energy, solo commentary by Mike Quackenbush) of Zombie CHIKARA, it’s still Gulak and Hatfield largely riffing it out on the ground and some on their feet for twenty minutes or more, and that’s a real appealing sort of a thing. There’s no real throughline to be found in the thing, but everything that happens in the match is (a) good as hell & (b) treated as important. Not an end of the year list match, not even the sort of thing Gulak even needs in a year like 2016 to make any sort of case for himself, but a real delight for a certain sort of wrestling fan.

(it’s me. i am that wrestling fan. maybe you are also.)

A very good professional wrestling match.
