Rickey Shane Page vs. Blake Christian, GCW Wrld on GCW Part III (1/30/2021)

This was for Page’s title and Christian’s GCW career. Disappointingly, they can’t both lose.

It’s a bad match, obviously. A bunch of dogshit and then some ref bump bullshit. RSP keeps the title with some type of a move?

I mostly wanted to post that graphic.

This was a horrible ordeal. Hated almost all of this besides the money. Thanks to everyone who contributed. If y’all ever want me to review some other shit, the rate’s the same, reach out. This match was especially bad, but definitely not worse than the two hour match or Lio/Blake to begin The Ordeal.

Going to sleep for 400 hours.

Joey Janela vs. Everett Connors, GCW Wrld on GCW Part III (1/30/2021)

Classic good brother move by Janela to follow up the best match of the 24 hour period by lowering the standard back down to subterranean levels with another bad match against another bad wrestler. The end result is a match this bad making it much easier for the main event to succeed. It also went way longer than necessary so as to pass as much time as possible to help people forget that there was actually one really good match in front of them after all this time. Lowers the bar SIGNIFICANTLY for RSP vs. Blake Christian, which is virtually a guaranteed bad match.

It didn’t make this fun to watch or anything but the methodology behind it is sound. Near the end of a twenty four hour grift myself (I am not sure which side I was on), it would be rude not to respect another classic sort of pro wrestling grift.

G-Raver vs. Cole Radrick, GCW Wrld on GCW Part III (1/30/2021)

Real fun thing, two very entertaining wrestlers having a very entertaining match.

G-Raver is no longer THE BEST IN THE WORLD like he was for maybe six months in 2018 or 2019, but he’s still very good. You don’t become the best deathmatch guy alive unless you’re actually pretty decent otherwise too, the best deathmatches are almost always just great and interesting matches but with horrific weapon spots added in. But after almost dying, he’s understandably pared that down to chairs and doors and the like. Hardcore, not deathmatch. It might hurt a lesser guy, but since he was so great largely through creativity, WEIRDLY, he can do all of that with chairs and doors too.

Cole’s a blast too. Real psychotic dives and bumps, awesome offense, etc. Great opponent for a creative psycho like G-Raver.

Sick finish as Raver back sentons Cole through a table platform on the top rope.

Not quite a great match, but if you have to watch one match from this whole deal, make it this one.

Chris Dickinson vs. Juicy Finau, GCW Wrld on GCW Part III

A real mess and an absolute blast.

Juicy almost fucks up Dickinson’s arm on a wicked back senton so Dickinson tries to tear up his knee and beats the shit out him. Again, Juicy still has a ways to go, but the selling is good and he takes some wonderful bumps. One especially great spike bump on a DDT. Dickinson just keeps breaking stuff over the big boy’s head and eventually takes him off the middle rope into a DVD for the win.

Obviously a certain ceiling on this given Dickinson being Dickinson and Juicy still being a child (i think?), but they definitely came sort of close to that ceiling.

Homicide vs. REDBEARD, VXS Cockstar Knights (1/30/2021)

The sort of match that’s very funny and wild to look at a graphic for but then the bell rings and it’s like oh man yeah the only people who made Rowan look good are either elsewhere or dead, and then also Homicide is old.

Commentary was also totally out of control, between them misinterpreting Homicide’s lariats for boring Hansen fandom instead of knowing THE LORE about Homicide and Kojima (“kojima kojima lariat lariat”), and then also Emil Jay’s LUDICROUS amount of code switching.

Match itself never becomes much and Rowan wins with the sweet claw slam.

The sort of match you book for everything outside of the match itself. Already got their money, etc.

Still probably a top 10-15 match of the day.

Atticus Cogar vs. Daniel Garcia, VXS Cockstar Knights (1/30/2021)

This was a PURE WRESTLING RULES match.

The anger over the all time bad two hour match has largely dissipated by now, and I am Tired again. This was barely a pure rules style match at all, because Cogar is not really capable of that at all. It’s a major waste of Daniel Garcia, who inexplicably only had the one match on this day. Like he’s not AMAZING or anything yet, but Garvia is already one of the better guys available for this whole thing. Still, there’s not much he can do with Cogar. DEEP Sharpshooter on Cogar for the tap.

No idea what Cogar’s useless ass was doing in an actual wrestling match. The result is a waste of one of the best wrestlers in this building over the last twenty four hours.

Two more hours or so.


Ken Broadway vs. Gabriel Skye, VXS Cockstar Nights (1/30/2021)

First things first, Julius Smokes on color commentary was FANTASTIC. Totally chaotic, great combo of shouting all the old hits and adding in some new stuff.

Skye was sadly not all that interesting, but as a jobber to the stars against the standout Ken Broadway, he was fine. Totally acceptable WCW Saturday Night stock character. Not Mark Starr or anything, but a solid C+ or B- on that sort of scale. He tried to do a few big things, and this wound up going longer than it needed to, unfortunately. Real gorgeous Bridging German Suplex from Broadway for the win.

Totally okay, real good showcase for the obvious star, even if he still needs seasoning.

Rickey Shane Page/Atticus Cogar vs. Ricky & Kerry Morton, 44OH! What We Want (1/30/2021)

This was also a bad match, but three bad wrestlers were in it and the good wrestlers is too old to do more than a hot tag bit at the end. It is what it is and was what it was always going to be. RSP beat the old man with a cheating roll up.

The MONSTER ASSAULT has done wonders for me, for the record.

The main failure of this weekend is not booking Ricky Morton vs. Mad Man Pondo. Seems like a very obvious slam dunk in hindsight.

Mance Warner vs. Gregory Iron, 44OH! What We Want (1/30/2021)

also not good.

also under two hours.

hard to really insult anything at this point with any real vehemence if it’s a match that takes under two hours. obviously don’t watch it, it’s a fucking Mance Warner match, but like whatever, there are at least 10-15 worst matches to have happened in this building in the last 23.5 hours.

I do wish they wouldn’t use that anti-Irish M.W. slur on commentary though. Very rude.