El Hijo Del Santo/Los Villanos (I/III/IV) vs. Los Brazos/Super Brazo, FULL Gran Estrella ‘91 Day One (3/7/1991)

Unsurprisingly, when you attach some of the best wrestlers ever onto one of the great routines in all of wrestling history, the result is pretty great.

That’s not to say this is deal.

Pet peeve first, in terms of keeping track of the thing, the handheld fancam nature does nobody any favors. While each Brazo has some differentiating feature be it gear color/design or body shape, from far away, it is hard to ever tell which Villano is in the ring, which is a little theoretically frustrating from a writing standpoint, except that they all look great. The desync on many of these old fancam files is also — although nobody’s fault — something of a distraction, as is not always getting to see every bit of the thing from one stationary position.

More significant ones exist too, to be fair.

While the best wrestler in the match for sure, Santito doesn’t get to add quite as much as you might want, feeling like someone plugged into a set match more so than one who influences his environment. That is not to suggest every single thing he does is not beautiful and lively, especially as the pace quickens and you eventually get the all-time great headbutt senton transitioned perfectly into a tope right past the ringpost, but that this is way more about the Brazos and the Villanos.

It’s also a little long at twenty plus minutes.

Things repeat themselves just a little, there’s a drag at points in the middle, and although they are all very very good at changing things up in just slight little ways, as a match that does not aim for quite the same highs as other matches involving most of these wrestlers, especially previous Los Brazos outings in this very promotion months prior, it cannot help but be noticed.

Again though, the Brazos routine just does not get old for me.

Doubly so when, in a foreign land, Los Brazos not only again work on the less familiar side of the aisle, but add in a second big fat guy in Super Brazo to the rotation, further opening up the possibilities. Super Brazo is not the wonderful goof that Brazo de Plata is, meaning he can explore mean uses of his size a lot more, while — being more sympathetic to Plata than either other — also being a valuable new addition to the schtick as well. They once again modify the old hits just enough to keep them fresh, add in new sequences for when things get serious, and the match stands as yet another example among what feels like a hundred of how perfect and, well, universal, this all can be.

Combine it with a real real natural chemistry with the opposing family, and the occasional interjection from a force of nature ass babyface they have with them for the night, and it’s a lovely chunk of the good stuff.

Super Brazo gets beat with a double splash off the top from two of the three Villanos.

Not the greatest showcase of one of the best acts ever, nor some of the best wrestlers ever, but another piece of proof that sometimes when you throw enough great ingredients in the pot and nothing capable of ruining it, the result is typically going to still be pretty fucking good in the end.


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