Silver King/Solar I/Kendo vs. Black Terry/Shu el Guerrero/Jose Luis Feliciano, FULL Gran Estrella ‘91 Day One (3/7/1991)

It’s a blast.

First, in the most direct way.

This is imply a super super fun match. It is not the most perfectly cohesive match possible, as there are some lulls here and there and pacing concerns, and they also seem to very clearly hold back. It is an undercard match, and on top of that, it is the first of the three big multi-man lucha style tags on the show, and this is a promotion that has previously shown an eye for a more classical type of card construction. At the same time, what does hit hits perfectly. What they do choose to do is exciting and full of great little twists and turns, beautiful rudo stooging as well as remarkably energetic and smooth work from all three heroes in Solar, Kendo, and a young Silver King.

Secondly, it is super super cool to see younger versions of some of these guys.

For Silver King, it’s a few years earlier and you can see the vague outline of what he’ll become already beginning to be colored in, but for guys I really only ran into as old men in either maestros tags or brawls up to this point, it is beyond fascinating to see Terry and Solar I as sprier, faster, and all around younger wrestlers. The novelty is, of course, only bolstered by the fact that they’re awesome here too, albeit in very different ways, meaning that this is less a pure novelty and moreso a really fun match that also has the benefit of a, “oh hey, wow, look at that!” added onto it as well.

Terry blocks a Solar I rana into a short powerbomb for the feel-bad upset.

Imperfect for sure, but some of the most fun you can have watching thirty plus year old handheld footage from a short lived but wildly influential Japanese promotion featuring a roster of almost entirely foreign talent.

three boy

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