Trevor Lee vs. ACH, PWG Mystery Vortex IV (12/16/2016)

(as always with PWG photos, credit goes to Mikey Nolan Photography.)

To the surprise of nobody who has ever caught even a faint glimpse of either of these two wrestlers before, this is a stellar match.

A pair of wrestling’s greatest independent wrestlers have a pocket God Damner.

Lee is not a one hundred percent total and perfect natural in the role of the villain, but he hits hard and can really project an air of physicality if nothing else. Against someone as naturally likeable as ACH is, the thing works, and for the first time in a little bit, the roles in a Trevor Lee PWG match feel totally correct and there’s a certain beautiful chemistry to behold here.

Mechanically, it just works.

ACH once again looks like a top five to ten babyface in wrestling, landing in that beautiful intersection between raw likeability and unteachable energy and perfect offense. Hard hitting enough to make one naturally want to root for his comeback to see him kick ass, and sympathetic enough in the moments before that to put the thing in some real peril as well. In the last half when they begin just throwing some shit out there in the general direction of the wall, virtually all of it sticks save for Lee’s Hardy Boyz offense that no longer really gets heat now that the meme gimmick is one of the most over things in the world. Offensively, there’s a beautiful and undeniable snap on everything else, making this the lone match on an otherwise lackluster PWG show that’s impossible to avert one’s eyes from.

Not the best they can do, it’s certainly a failure on PWG’s part that this is the second match on the show and only around ten minutes compared to a thirty-seven minute main event between Zack Sabre Jr. and a pederast, but given that these two wrestlers will eventually go on to have their great long main event title match in another promotion years later, it is not the end of the world.

Instead, given that fact, we can appreciate this for the lovely little sprint that it is.


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